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Mother-of-pearl from peach blossom

Peach blossom for Tet, it also helps the mother choose the skin radiant spring day.

What do you plan to do this Mother's Day? Must be postponed the exciting trip again, because the gourd is slightly inconvenient mothers nhỉ? I waited for your beloved Mun was born, then the whole family will go hand in hand. Thought to have fun then this holiday I will stay home without sad anymore. In return, I am planning to "revamp" the beauty of the new year so radiant! Anyway, the first time I met you next year is also a beautiful mother, right?

Say that, but actually this plan I cherished months, have to wait around the New Peach blossom to do it! You know, pregnant Mun one is his face bad. Freckles and burns up the chit make me lose confidence terrible. Each time is going to be sad again, because the makeup was not enough, the skin is mottled speckles. Oh, I just wish they were flying away. Now the mirror is about to fail to recognize itself anymore: fat body ú, legs are rough and the skin is like the egg shell. Why do people keep saying gourd wife is very husband or husband? I do not know my husband, this is never fragrant into his wife sentiment as before. Oh, how sad and worried ...

So I have to make up my mind. Pumpkins should still be beautiful, mothers, just do not affect the only child. After many days asked how to treat melasma with freckles of the sister in the office and friends, I still do not find the most reasonable solution. Being depressed, I suddenly remembered my sister. It is true that the baby is absent-minded, looking around everywhere, while his sister at the grocery store ... same as always! At that time, I remembered that she also used to wear a mask to skin all skin, unfortunately not pay attention. I remember also teasing her is gourd but still. Oh, now I have to "salt face" call her to ask only.

Immediately know how to be teased again, I have to silent to hear, then "begged" she handed "secret" beauty. She laughed: "She daddy momentum to try to wait for the flower season nhé nhé! Gradually grind 100 grams of peach blossom with the seeds of pumpkin and put it in a jar. In the evening, before going to bed, wash your face thoroughly, then mix some of that mixture with egg whites and apply well to face, rinse with warm water to finish. When sleeping, I remember to use paper to absorb the pillow lick eggs stick to offline, and told her husband to stay away from the "fragrant" wife is a miserable "- she laughed.

Tet to spring, brilliant peach flowers for mother to add beautiful. (Illustration)

I carefully recorded how to do as she told me. And wait until the peach gardens begin to bloom to make the beauty.

Maybe the mother is very anxious to ask the results right? Actually, I'm still in the implementation phase, but I'm happy to see the original effect. It is not wrong to see peach blossom as a potion in beauty, by its regenerative and whitening properties. Not only that, combine peach blossom with squash and egg whites to create a mixture that will help to brighten and brighten the complexion and dark spots and freckles. Hopefully through this New Year Mother Mun will be saying goodbye to the ugly skin. I believe so, because my sister used to make "white mouse" then. And the interesting thing is that this tip you learned from your mother! (It is true that three mothers are different, everyone is exactly the same!). Fortunately, she remembered to pass on to her and then her turn. Maybe I have to write carefully,

Now Mun's mother is very excited with the job of this burn! Is there any mother who would like to participate in this Tet? I think this is a pretty interesting plan too ?! The mother who was haired like me was quick to do before the peach season ended! Also, mothers should also pay attention to this Tet holiday diet, adding more vegetables rich in vitamins to keep skin healthy and also limit the hot food, too much oil!

Wishing the mother to vote beautiful to welcome the new year!

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